Title: Rapacious Author: Never Pairing: Kirk/Spock Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Not mine. Warning: AU. Darkish. Summary: Spock’s reaction when Kirk is taken by the Gamesters of Triskelion. Author’s Notes: More in the Hunger ‘verse.
Title: Five Things That Have Changed Since Jim Started Dating Spock Author: Never Pairing: Kirk/Spock Rating: R? Disclaimer: Not mine. Warning: Total AU. Author’s Notes: This is a sequel to No Moral High Ground, and since this fic emphasizes differences, it won’t make much sense without reading ‘No Moral High Ground’ first. Didn’t intend it to be
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Okay, I am usually a dialogue whore, but my muse is not cooperating with me. Not a single word of actual dialogue! Can you believe it?
Anyway, this Hunger verse (where Spock is really, secretly Sylar) is consuming my brain. Here's a couple more drabbles. And it looks like I'll keep writing scenes as long as I can keep finding synonyms for
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Screw it. If I keep writing on this, I'll never stop.
Title: No Moral High Ground Author: Never Pairing: Kirk/Spock Rating: R? Just to be safe. Disclaimer: Definitely not mine. Warning: AU. Total AU. Kinda cracky
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Title: Return to the Ground Author: Never Pairing: Sheppard/Dex Disclaimer: Not mine. Not true. Rating: PG Warnings: AU. Summary: During a culling, Ronon, Teyla, and the villagers are rescued by a stranger. Author’s Notes: Part of a 5 Meetings series - each is a different pairing. Title from ‘Space Boy’ by Splendor.
I have not written in MONTHS! Literally since last year. It's disgusting because I haven't even been inspired and that's my main form of destress. I've gotten to the point that I have to exercise every day just so I don't strangle someone. But miracle of all miracles! (Okay, maybe not, but whatever.) I have written! I wrote a page on
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